
New Lease of Life for Jordan

15 year old Jordan Gallett from Polesworth has cerebral palsy which affects all four of her limbs. She is one of a set of triplets born 16 weeks prematurely, each weighing less than 2lbs.

Sadly her sister Toni passed away just weeks after they were born and Jordan developed a bleed on the brain which caused her condition. Her sister Paige is in good health and despite the odds, both have grown into two beautiful and fun loving young ladies who are the best of friends.

Jordan has very limited mobility and has relied on her manual wheelchair to get about, which can be tiring. She is often assisted by her mum and dad. This has caused Jordan some frustration especially when she is invited to spend time with her friends. She has endured many operations to try and correct the curvature of her spine, however the family have recently learned that nothing further can be done to stop it from worsening and she faces the prospect of being permanently confined to her wheelchair.

Jordan attends Exhall Grange Specialist School in Coventry which caters for pupils with physical and sensory needs. She is a bright and popular student and a supporter of the school’s local football team, Coventry City.

When Simon’s Heroes heard about Jordan, we wanted to help make a difference. Her family had spoken about the positive impact a motorised wheelchair would make to her life. Unfortunately Jordan is not eligible for one through the NHS.

We decided to buy her a high spec Enigma motorised wheelchair. It was delivered to her last week and Jordan has already described how much more freedom it has given her and told her mum Sharon that it made her feel ‘free and alive.’ She takes every opportunity to use it and will be able to accompany her friends on outings without her mum and dad chaperoning.

Jordan was beaming when we visited her to see how she was getting on with her new mode of transport, ‘it’s given me independence’ she gushed. Jordan has already mastered 3rd gear and demonstrated her driving skills on the pavement outside of her house.

“We can’t believe how generous Simon’s Heroes have been purchasing the wheelchair for Jordan. It has changed her life. She is much happier and getting lots of practice in using it. We are so grateful to everybody involved in making our daughter very happy. Thank you.”
Sharon Gallett

We hope the wheelchair will bring Jordan many years of service and happiness….




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