A teenager who is paralysed from the waist down has been given the chance to regain some independence.
16-year-old Ellie Clover from Polesworth had a spinal stroke in November 2017 which has left her unable to walk.
‘I was getting ready for school and was suddenly overcome with pain all over my body. I collapsed and couldn’t get back up,’ said Ellie.
Ellie was taken to Walsgrave hospital where she spent the ensuing weeks undergoing tests which revealed she had suffered a spinal stroke.
A spinal stroke is a rare condition caused by a disruption in the blood supply to the spinal cord which can cause injury or damage to tissues and can block messages (nerve impulses) travelling along the spinal cord. Most spinal strokes are caused by blockages (usually blood clots) in the blood supply, which is what occurred in Ellie’s case.
Ellie’s stroke had caused a T7 complete injury to the thoracic vertebrae in her back. The vertebrae are grouped into sections, the higher the injury on the spinal cord, the more dysfunction can occur. There is currently no treatment available other than rehabilitation.
Ellie was transferred to Oswestry Midlands Spinal Unit where she underwent rehabilitation for 2 months to help her cope with the devastating consequences of her spinal stroke. This included arm strengthening exercises and wheelchair skills. Her mum Kerry lived in with her at hospital whilst Dad Jason took care of her two younger brothers at home.
Mum Kerry said: ‘Ellie is amazing and continues to show great courage and determination which has lifted us all during a very difficult time.’
Ellie’s family and friends started fundraising to buy vital equipment that would afford her as much independence as possible. Top of the list was a TIGA Sub4 ultra-lightweight wheelchair weighing just 4kg; an aid that would make Ellie so much more independent. It would also allow her to return to school, something she had been unable to do in her current wheelchair because it does not encompass all of the safety features required.
Thanks to fundraising efforts and donations from Simon’s Heroes children’s charity and local businesses including ATIK night club in Tamworth, Two Rivers School, Briars Barn, Donative Farm, Grendon Pharmacy and the Badgers Running Club, Ellie was presented with her new bespoke wheelchair last month.
‘I am so happy with my new wheelchair, thank you so much to everyone that has made this possible! It has already given me more confidence and freedom. I absolutely love it! I’m so grateful!’
Craig Smith, Chairman of Simon’s Heroes said: ‘This is a wonderful example of how charities and the local community can unite for a good cause. The generosity of everyone involved will make an amazing difference to the quality of Ellie’s life.’
C Bull.