Beneficiaries, News/Blog

Spider Boy to the rescue! Elastic web apparatus helps Brody move again.

A 7 year old boy crippled by cerebral palsy, has been gifted a set of physio sessions on an extraordinary piece of equipment called The Spider, from fundraising group Simon’s Heroes.

Brody Walters from Swadlincote is the youngest of triplets who were born at 27 weeks; he weighed just 2lb 1oz. At 13 months old he was diagnosed with quadriplegic cerebral palsy, a condition affecting all four limbs. He cannot walk or sit unaided and has limited head control. He also struggles to speak, communicating mainly with his eyes. He relies on a carer to eat and drink.

His parents Stewart and Kelly have sought specialised physiotherapy for Brody to assist his postural development. The therapy combines traditional mat exercises with the use of a piece of equipment called The Spider. The Spider is made up of a series of elastic ropes attached to an open frame which creates a web, holding Brody in his perfect postural position, enabling him to practise balancing, crawling, kneeling and standing positions as well as grasping and holding. The Spider allows physiotherapists to implement a full course of exercises for a child in any chosen position and aligns their body properly. The sessions have been taking place for Brody 3 hours a day for 1 week, 4 times a year.

‘We notice such a difference in Brody after his sessions, they are so beneficial. They provide him with tremendous gains in balance, coordination and function,’ said his mum.

The sessions are very costly and funding for them is limited. ‘We have to keep fundraising to pay for his sessions otherwise they will stop.’

Simon’s Heroes have been able to finance a set of subsequent physio sessions to help continue the progress Brody has made with this therapy so far.

‘We would like to say thank you so so much to everyone at Simon’s Heroes that helped raise £733.32 towards intensive physio therapy for Brody, we are overwhelmed and extremely grateful.’ Kelly Walters.

Author C Bull




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